642 Things Thursdays: Week 10


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Prompt: What people don’t understand about you

I’m smart when I want to be. I care about the things I care about. I don’t waste my time attempting to excel at the subjects I find useless in my own life. I’m an avid reader, yet I don’t always want to be reading what others say I should be. I’ll judge that for myself, thanks. I don’t seek to understand basic knowledge, or the “common core”. I want to learn more about things I’m interested in. I’ll retain more information on those subjects anyway. I also need to learn things for myself every once in a while. Sometimes I actually need to make mistakes before I can fully learn what the universe wants me to.

642 Things Thursdays: Week 9


Prompt: The secret that, if revealed, would (could) upset everything

She was very nervous about telling her Christian parents she was a lesbian. She had no idea how they would react. However, she had decided it would be worth disclosing her secret. She knew she would never be happy having to hide who she was from the people she loved the most. The chance that she might be accepted outweighed the worst possible outcome. She took a deep breath. “Here goes nothing.”

642 Things Thursdays: Week 8


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Prompt: Everyone has a special talent. What’s your special skill?

I believe that writing is my special skill. At least, as far as I know. I need to commit to writing more. Then I’d be even better at it. I feel that I can convey feelings to others through the written word. Sometimes I feel that it’s a gift and a curse because writing isn’t the most marketable skill. It would be nice to be good at math, but my brain just doesn’t work that way. I suppose if I keep trying, someday I’ll be able to make a career out of writing.

Sorry I missed last week, everyone. I ended up having a busy Thursday. Thank you to everyone who has enjoyed this series so far. There are more 642 Things Thursdays to come! 🙂

642 Things Thursdays: Week 7


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Prompt: The kleptomaniac

She wandered into the store, not sure what she was going to buy. She nervously browsed through the aisles. She was there for some time. She only had ten dollars in her pocket. She was’t finding anything she actually wanted to purchase, whether it was under ten dollars or not. Her eyes came to rest on a small notepad. She picked it up and turned it over in her hands. The price of the item was four dollars. Without a second thought, she pocketed the item and left the store. She hadn’t wanted the notepad. She could have payed for it if she had. What she had wanted was the thrill of taking it.

642 Things Thursdays: Week 6


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Prompt: Something more you’d like to know about

I’d like to know more about astronomy. I’d like to know more details about the planets in the universe. I believe astronomy is a romantic science. It’s not like physics or chemistry. Being out under the moon and gazing at the stars and nearest planets through a telescope — what poetry. That could make a great date-night. Just add a couple cups of hot cocoa and a blanket to lay on the ground — what an evening. I know I’m a big nerd, but nerds need love too!

642 Things Thursdays: Week 5


photo (9)Prompt: Two dollars isn’t a lot of money, unless…

I was very, very thirsty. I only had a twenty on me. I stood in the humid air, pumping gas into my car. It was hot and I was sweating. I wiped some of the sweat off of my forehead with the back of my hand. I finished filling up my car and asked the person next to me if he had change for twenty. He told me he didn’t. I stared longingly at the soda machine with my tongue hanging out. “Do you have two ones?” I asked. “I’ll trade you a twenty for two ones, if you have it.”

“Seriously?” he replied.


Moments later, I sat in my car enjoying a nice, cold bottle of Mountain Dew. It was the best soda I’d ever had in my life.


642 Things Thursdays: Week 4


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Prompt: Going it alone

Is “going it alone” really all that bad? Sometimes I need some alone time to think, reflect on my experiences. People who can never be alone can’t think for themselves. They base their self-worth on what others think of them. Being a people-person isn’t negative, but you need to be alone sometimes. Being an introvert is underrated. Sometimes I feel that society thinks shy people have some sort of mental illness. We just look inward, rather than outward. We are more reflective, instead of active. Being alone doesn’t equal being lonely. If you can’t love yourself, how can you love someone else?

642 Things Thursdays: Week 3


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Prompt: Why you write

I write because I fear that if I didn’t I would go insane. Sometimes I need to get my thoughts out of my head. Journaling is great for that because I can write exactly what I feel, without judgement. Poetry and fiction can be helpful, too. This can help me see things from a character’s perspective, who is unlike me, or I can write a fantasy that makes me happy. Poetry helps me organize my feelings in a more abstract way. This lets me express my feelings to others without saying exactly how I feel.

642 Things Thursdays: Week 2


Prompt: What would you buy from the SkyMall catalog? Why?

I would buy the Bag O’ Wine Insulated Carrier because what alcoholic doesn’t need a bag o’ wine? I could take it to the park, the beach, or other places where it’s inappropriate to bring alcohol. It’s easy to use: Simply open up your favorite brand of boxed wine, take the bag out, and put it into the insulated portable carrier. Now I can take wine places I never could before!

No, I am not actually an alcoholic, and yes, this is a real product from SkyMall. http://www.skymall.com/bag-o-wine-insulated-carrier/27222GRP.html

Happy Full Moon on a Friday the 13th, tomorrow! Here is an awesome post on this rare event from a fellow WordPress blogger. http://thiswiccansway.wordpress.com/2014/06/06/full-moon-june-13-2014/

642 Things Thursdays: Week 1


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A little while ago, I discovered an awesome book called 642 Things to Write About by the San Francisco Writers’ Grotto. It contains 642 writing prompts, each given what was deemed the appropriate amount of space to write in, depending on the prompt. I thought that this was a great idea. Whenever I felt in the mood to be creative, but did not want to commit to, or have an idea to begin a poem or short story, I could sit down and respond to a fun prompt.The prompts are entertaining and can really get me thinking. If you love creative writing and have not yet seen this book, you should check it out! I got mine at a Barnes & Noble.

I am going to be posting my response to a prompt that I thought was particularly good each Thursday for the rest of the summer, so there will probably be about 10 posts. I will post a picture of the actual page I wrote on, and I will type it out for the post itself. All of these are a little spur of the moment; I try not to take too much time to think about what I am going to write. I just write whatever pops into my head, so I will not be editing my original words for my blog (even if I want to!).

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Prompt: A beginner’s guide to getting up in the morning.

When that annoying alarm clock wakes you up in the morning, it may be difficult to actually drag yourself out of bed. Sometimes you need to think about what you need to do today (going to work or school). However, this can make it more difficult to get up because you do not want to do these chores. One thing to keep in mind while trying to roll out of bed is that after you do so, you can drink that delicious cup of morning coffee. Another idea is to start by removing your covers. This can give you some refreshing cold air to help wake you up. If all else fails, just remember that you can go back to sleep at night.