642 Things Thursdays: Week 5


photo (9)Prompt: Two dollars isn’t a lot of money, unless…

I was very, very thirsty. I only had a twenty on me. I stood in the humid air, pumping gas into my car. It was hot and I was sweating. I wiped some of the sweat off of my forehead with the back of my hand. I finished filling up my car and asked the person next to me if he had change for twenty. He told me he didn’t. I stared longingly at the soda machine with my tongue hanging out. “Do you have two ones?” I asked. “I’ll trade you a twenty for two ones, if you have it.”

“Seriously?” he replied.


Moments later, I sat in my car enjoying a nice, cold bottle of Mountain Dew. It was the best soda I’d ever had in my life.


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