642 Things Thursdays: Week 1


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A little while ago, I discovered an awesome book called 642 Things to Write About by the San Francisco Writers’ Grotto. It contains 642 writing prompts, each given what was deemed the appropriate amount of space to write in, depending on the prompt. I thought that this was a great idea. Whenever I felt in the mood to be creative, but did not want to commit to, or have an idea to begin a poem or short story, I could sit down and respond to a fun prompt.The prompts are entertaining and can really get me thinking. If you love creative writing and have not yet seen this book, you should check it out! I got mine at a Barnes & Noble.

I am going to be posting my response to a prompt that I thought was particularly good each Thursday for the rest of the summer, so there will probably be about 10 posts. I will post a picture of the actual page I wrote on, and I will type it out for the post itself. All of these are a little spur of the moment; I try not to take too much time to think about what I am going to write. I just write whatever pops into my head, so I will not be editing my original words for my blog (even if I want to!).

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Prompt: A beginner’s guide to getting up in the morning.

When that annoying alarm clock wakes you up in the morning, it may be difficult to actually drag yourself out of bed. Sometimes you need to think about what you need to do today (going to work or school). However, this can make it more difficult to get up because you do not want to do these chores. One thing to keep in mind while trying to roll out of bed is that after you do so, you can drink that delicious cup of morning coffee. Another idea is to start by removing your covers. This can give you some refreshing cold air to help wake you up. If all else fails, just remember that you can go back to sleep at night.