642 Things Thursdays: Week 10


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Prompt: What people don’t understand about you

I’m smart when I want to be. I care about the things I care about. I don’t waste my time attempting to excel at the subjects I find useless in my own life. I’m an avid reader, yet I don’t always want to be reading what others say I should be. I’ll judge that for myself, thanks. I don’t seek to understand basic knowledge, or the “common core”. I want to learn more about things I’m interested in. I’ll retain more information on those subjects anyway. I also need to learn things for myself every once in a while. Sometimes I actually need to make mistakes before I can fully learn what the universe wants me to.

642 Things Thursdays: Week 9


Prompt: The secret that, if revealed, would (could) upset everything

She was very nervous about telling her Christian parents she was a lesbian. She had no idea how they would react. However, she had decided it would be worth disclosing her secret. She knew she would never be happy having to hide who she was from the people she loved the most. The chance that she might be accepted outweighed the worst possible outcome. She took a deep breath. “Here goes nothing.”