

I woke up and realized

I had been brainwashed into

falling in love with

John Cusack

the way Katie Holmes

was brainwashed into

falling in love with

Tom Cruise.


I lay in bed,

looking up at the ceiling.

It moved in waves

like I was

under the ocean.

I searched for a switch

to turn it off,

but I could not discern one.

“We have to move to a

different hotel. I cannot find the

switch to turn the ceiling off.”


I spent all day and night

trying to solve

world peace.

“If I cannot make it work,

no one can.”

I gave up

and decided

it was an impossible



I have had too much


to go to sleep now.

I will watch

 The Dark Knight

at 4:00 in the morning.

“It is 1891. I will not

ride a horse!”


The world I


is gone forever.

It is never just a


It is time to party with


and all his friends.


192 year later,

my bones sank


into the earth and I

realized I was still




Crazed Fan

You’re sitting at the breakfast table one morning, looking at the top news stories while drinking your coffee. The top story this morning is a crazy fan who was arrested for breaking into a local bookstore and stealing all of YOUR books! He’s quoted as saying “I just want to be their best friend!” Your first crazed fan. What do you do?


I found this prompt on I set myself a time limit of 30 minutes. This is the story I wrote:


I woke up on a Sunday morning and drearily headed for the kitchen. Recently, my first novel had been published and I had been overwhelmed with joy. However, as the weeks went by, it was not exactly flying off the shelves.

I made myself some instant coffee and sat down to read the paper. It made the front page: Kayley Black’s Debut Novels Stolen by Crazed Fan. I began to read furiously. A young man, who after reading Graveyard Smash, loved it so much that he stole all the copies from the local book store. He was quoted as saying “I just want to be their best friend!” The insane man explained that he wanted to be surrounded by perfection because there was so little of it left in the world.

Needless to say, I was shocked by the story. I wanted people to appreciate my work, but not in this scenario! I pondered if it would be worth while to react publicly. I thought it would be best if I talked it over with my literary agent before proceeding. We reached the conclusion that this was a local incident, and consequently, I was to provide a brief interview on a local news station. Larger networks would be permitted to air the interview if they desired.

I told the reporter my true thoughts on the event: “I’m flattered he liked my novel, but I want it to be for the world, not an individual. In my opinion, not only did he rob the book store and myself, but also anyone who could have potentially read those copies.” My interview received mixed reviews. Some people responded by saying, as the author, how could I have responded any other way? Some said I was immodest and over-valued my own work.

Regardless of the interview, sales of Graveyard Smash had skyrocketed within the week. I was reminded of the saying “all publicity is good publicity”. The man who started it all came to his senses, and was released from jail contingent on payment to the store for damages. Luckily, not everything went back to normal. My novels continued to sell like hotcakes, receive positive reviews and I gave more interviews, which went immeasurably better than the first.

Sonnet on a Vanilla Frappé


Vanilla frappés taste so sweet to me.

They are like cups full of snowy magic.

I love the crunch of the vanilla beans.

Frappés always make a wonderful snack.

A trip to Starbucks is never wasted.

The Starbucks mermaid is so beautiful.

I need coffee when I get out of bed.

When I don’t have it, I am not useful.

Starbucks may be a luxury to some,

But I could not do without it at all.

I need my frappé or I am so done!

It’s great when I can get one at the mall.

Coffee and books go together so well.

It is nice to sip while reading a tale.

Suicide: A Poem


Life, oh life, what have you done to me?

You’ve taken me and broken me

so I feel I must no longer be.


There are no sun-beams of hope

to wash over me and cleanse my despair.

I feel all I can do is mope.

I feel I no longer care.


They say the night is darkest just before the dawn.

I say that is little comfort;

it would be even darker if I were beneath the lawn.

642 Things Thursdays: Week 10


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Prompt: What people don’t understand about you

I’m smart when I want to be. I care about the things I care about. I don’t waste my time attempting to excel at the subjects I find useless in my own life. I’m an avid reader, yet I don’t always want to be reading what others say I should be. I’ll judge that for myself, thanks. I don’t seek to understand basic knowledge, or the “common core”. I want to learn more about things I’m interested in. I’ll retain more information on those subjects anyway. I also need to learn things for myself every once in a while. Sometimes I actually need to make mistakes before I can fully learn what the universe wants me to.

642 Things Thursdays: Week 9


Prompt: The secret that, if revealed, would (could) upset everything

She was very nervous about telling her Christian parents she was a lesbian. She had no idea how they would react. However, she had decided it would be worth disclosing her secret. She knew she would never be happy having to hide who she was from the people she loved the most. The chance that she might be accepted outweighed the worst possible outcome. She took a deep breath. “Here goes nothing.”

642 Things Thursdays: Week 8


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Prompt: Everyone has a special talent. What’s your special skill?

I believe that writing is my special skill. At least, as far as I know. I need to commit to writing more. Then I’d be even better at it. I feel that I can convey feelings to others through the written word. Sometimes I feel that it’s a gift and a curse because writing isn’t the most marketable skill. It would be nice to be good at math, but my brain just doesn’t work that way. I suppose if I keep trying, someday I’ll be able to make a career out of writing.

Sorry I missed last week, everyone. I ended up having a busy Thursday. Thank you to everyone who has enjoyed this series so far. There are more 642 Things Thursdays to come! 🙂

642 Things Thursdays: Week 7


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Prompt: The kleptomaniac

She wandered into the store, not sure what she was going to buy. She nervously browsed through the aisles. She was there for some time. She only had ten dollars in her pocket. She was’t finding anything she actually wanted to purchase, whether it was under ten dollars or not. Her eyes came to rest on a small notepad. She picked it up and turned it over in her hands. The price of the item was four dollars. Without a second thought, she pocketed the item and left the store. She hadn’t wanted the notepad. She could have payed for it if she had. What she had wanted was the thrill of taking it.

642 Things Thursdays: Week 6


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Prompt: Something more you’d like to know about

I’d like to know more about astronomy. I’d like to know more details about the planets in the universe. I believe astronomy is a romantic science. It’s not like physics or chemistry. Being out under the moon and gazing at the stars and nearest planets through a telescope — what poetry. That could make a great date-night. Just add a couple cups of hot cocoa and a blanket to lay on the ground — what an evening. I know I’m a big nerd, but nerds need love too!

642 Things Thursdays: Week 5


photo (9)Prompt: Two dollars isn’t a lot of money, unless…

I was very, very thirsty. I only had a twenty on me. I stood in the humid air, pumping gas into my car. It was hot and I was sweating. I wiped some of the sweat off of my forehead with the back of my hand. I finished filling up my car and asked the person next to me if he had change for twenty. He told me he didn’t. I stared longingly at the soda machine with my tongue hanging out. “Do you have two ones?” I asked. “I’ll trade you a twenty for two ones, if you have it.”

“Seriously?” he replied.


Moments later, I sat in my car enjoying a nice, cold bottle of Mountain Dew. It was the best soda I’d ever had in my life.