In The Broom Closet: Pagan Jewelry


Living with people who strongly disagree with your religious beliefs is never easy. When it comes to paganism and branches of paganism, like Wicca, it’s usually even more difficult. It’s an unfortunate fact of society.  I know many of you may be in the broom closet when it comes to the people you live with, but you are open about your religion with others. If this is the case, you may want to display a symbol of your path. However, when you live with those that you do not yet feel comfortable revealing yourself to, it can be tricky.

Pagans and Wiccans wear all different types of jewelry to both display their path, and for other personal reasons. It may be a symbol or a specific stone that means something to you, but doesn’t scream “Pagan” to everyone else. Wearing a certain crystal with properties that seem helpful to you is a great way to have a constant reminder of your faith, without having anyone ask you uncomfortable questions about it. Some of my personal favorites are amethyst and garnet. A few symbols that could help you feel like you aren’t trying to hide your spirituality from the whole world (just the people you live with) could be a triquetra, a crescent moon, a black cat, a wheel, a Celtic knot, or even a shamrock. Pick a symbol that means something special to you. If you work with the Egyptian pantheon, you could use an ankh. If your matron goddess is Athena, like mine is, you can wear a piece of owl jewelry, to symbolize your faith. You could wear a shell, pearl, or another sea-related symbol if you work with Poseidon, or another sea-deity.  Be creative, a piece of jewelry can symbolize your religion without anybody knowing it.

I realize that sometimes nothing but a pentacle or triple moon will do . These symbols, of course, are commonly associated with paganism and witchcraft. If someone whom you are in the broom closet to sees you wearing one of these, it could compromise your privacy. However, I think if you are careful and keep it hidden, you can get away with owning one. As long as you tuck it in your shirt, or take it off around those who you are not yet open about your religion to, it should be fine. It’s easy to find an online store that you can order pagan jewelry from. For anyone who is interested, I recommend Etsy ( ) as a great place to find beautiful pagan jewelry.